Saturday, December 17, 2011

PBS Special

The PBS special was very informative. It is crazy to think that our society has become so dependent upon technologu almost like a drug, that we now are calling it a definite addiction. Some countries, like Korea, have even labeled it as a mental condition. This is almost insulting to be apart of a society that will give excuses to people’s addiction of technology. I thought that having anxiety from not having internet or my phone not working was bad, but there are people who are completely addicted to forms of technology. We are comparing these addictions to those of drugs and alcohol, but technology is affecting some of our youngest and brightest. MIT students are being effected by this addiction to technology and are distracting themselves from their work. I feel this course has made me rethink my use of technology, but this special has made me rethink it even more. It defeinitely has made me question how dependent I am upon my technology.

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