Friday, October 07, 2011

Google Filter

In class today we talked about how google filters our results based on what kind of things we normally looking at. Google should keep it to one format where everyone gets the same results for a particular search. By google filtering out certain things it keeps people closed minded to one particular view, and doesnt give them a realistic view of the world. Although it would maybe be convenient in some situations for google to know what you want to search for the technology isnt good enough google cant read your mind it has no clue what you want. Google is a search engine to provide information from all over the web it is making itself less reliable by filtering out certain things.

1 comment:

Dave Reed said...

its weird for me because i see both sides of the argument. yes it woud be nice to be able to view all the information about any subject we want, but it would also be overwhelming to have to sort through all that information as well, wouldn't you agree?