Thursday, October 20, 2011

A Generation of Pancake People

So far in class we've discussed how the internet has made us, as individuals, into pancake people. But, this phenomena is far from localized. Marshal P. Duke commentented on the effects of a pancake generation in an article for the New York Times. A link is below.

Duke argues that this pancake generation has obtained a new kind of enlightenment or "super consciousness." This new generation is spread across a vast network of information limiting adherence to culture. This leads us to speculate, what will happen to our culture as the generation of pancake people take hold?

Does limited adherence to culture mean a decline in religion?
or a decline in patriotism, and what does it mean if people start seeing themselves as world inhabitants, not inhabitants of their own country?
How will the world function with a unified culture, language, philosophy, brought forth by technology?

Most interestingly, what is your perspective on these questions?

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