Thursday, October 20, 2011

Social Media/ Social Networking

Social networks like Facebook have now taken over the way we communicate and interact with people. In the sense social networking takes away from the experience and knowledge that can be gained through a face to face conversation. Scruton talked about how face to face communication is the best thing rather then all the other forms of relationships or friendships over the internet. Through interaction with others over the inter you lose the ability to truely understand what one means in that the message they are trying to get across to you can become distorted due to communication over the internet. Facebook has become addicting to everyone and takes over there time and becomes the only way people now commnunicate with others. Face to face communication is the most productive way to communicate with others, but now due to technology advancements social media is taking over and now leads everyone to communicating to others through, facebook, chat rooms, email and other forms of media instead of face to face communication.

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