Wednesday, December 14, 2011

The Borg

After watching Star Trek, it has made me contemplate about the philosophical questions that the Borg brings about. It is disturbing to think that the goal of the Borg is to completely assimilate all species by incorporating their knowledge and technology into a collective. Essentially, it is eliminating a lot of what it means to be human. The Borg seemed to genuinely fail to comprehend what they saw as the narrow-minded resistance shown toward assimilation and its attendant loss of individuality of the other species. Freedom, self-determination, and individual rights were viewed as archaic concepts necessary only to less advanced, authority-driven cultures. As a result of assimilation, humans would lose the crucial concept of individuality. To assimilate humans like that would be to convert them into a collective of cyborgs. Humans would become a homogenous entity. Effectively, they would become one with technology. The video clip showed us the potentially powerful effects that technology could have on the human species.

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