Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Where are we going

The Human race is at such a fast pace that we feel bored or like we haven't anything to do for the day.  We take take advantage of the technology we have, like the Robot Stories.  We see a machine, and see that it isn't real, but what declares something real? A heartbeat, coordination, intelligence? Before we give robots to the human race, like in Robot Stories, assure ourselves that this is for the best.  I couldn't imagine putting my conscious into an artificial object after my death.  I was born with a choice, and judging by these stories, I will die without that choice.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I really like the idea that you say choices. life starts and what is life unless we make choices be it good, bad, or other. we must make many choices and i think one choice that truly needs to be made is whether or not we should continue to pursue some of this robotic research if we fear this negative future?