Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Texting, Smexting

Why text? This is such a fundamental question that has drastically changed how people communicate today. About twenty years ago, it was extremely rare that people had cell phones, and today it is extremely rare that someone does not have texting. Referring back to Borgmann, texting takes away from the focal purpose of conversing. You loose that interpersonal connection and the focus on the action. Texting is good for quick communication, but it is not an appropriate means of communicating in the personal aspect. Is it bad enought that we rely on e-mail, instant messaging, and cell phones to relate with people, but is texting too much? There is a fine line between what Borgmann would deem as appropriate or not, referencing communication. If there was one thing I have learned in this class and will take with me, it would be that you need to sometimes take a step back from technology, digital detoxing, and I think Borgmann is right on here. People do lose focus of why they are talking with another individual. I spent three weeks during December using as little technology as possible. I left my cell phone in my room and tried to stay off the Internet. It was so peaceful, and I suggest that everybody needs to do this every once in a while, so that we do not lose focus of what is truely important and real.


MgB said...

I agree on the idea of cutting out tech for awhile. Summer is a perfect time to do it anyways, besides maybe still using a phone to call people I think cutting out the rest would be a great chance to get some real human interaction or to just get some peace and quiet on your own. We need alone time as much as we need human interaction!

Elizabeth said...

I also agree that going without technology, or with as little as possible, is a good idea. I enjoy texting like most people, but also find it annoying when I call someone and they will only respond in text. Like you, I have forgotten or purposely left my cell phone in my room. These days tend to be more relaxed than others becuase I am not worried about missing someone's text and seeming rude. Everyone could benefit from these days, even if it is only once a week or month.

jason zilio said...

Texting is a way for people to communicate though and it is ways that we can get interpersonal communication with people. I agree that people text way to much and that it runs some peoples lives. On the other hand i think being able to send a few texts to people that are really good friends everyday to see how they have been and how there day has been. I also like to leave my phone at home to when i like to be alone, but other than that I dont think texting is that bad unless you let it control your life.