Monday, April 19, 2010

Bio-tech vs. Techy-tech


In the spirit of keeping this blog from becoming to scientific and wordy, I once again bring up a vaguely-relevant discussion topic. This week: with Brand focusing so much on how easy it is to whip up a personally mutated microbe, what are we going to see first? A mechanical powered exo skeleton* like Warmachine, or a bio-tech powered suit like Guyver?

*Cyberdyne's system doesn't count, it's being used for hospital work, not fighting terrorists.

1 comment:

Allen said...

I think we will see a mehcanical powered skeleton like Warmachine. I think that we as a soceity focus so much on mechanical this or that and that would be my guess to come first. Never heard of these machines before but I am guessing they would fit under a device according to Borgmann. By the way cool way of bringing up a topic to discuss, really enjoy this one.