Monday, December 01, 2008

Star Trek

While watching Star Trek the only thing that came to mind was that fact the Data was so life like. Which definitely made me rethink my views on the matter if robots will be be able to have rights. When a robot can think and have feeling in the way that Data did makes me consider him a life like as me. But I also think that it is going to awhile before there are such machines as Data walking around our world. And I also don't think we are ready for such machines around us. I think it will be years before we are comfortable for having machines walking around as one with humans.


Alexandra said...

After watching Star Trek, it was easy for me to see how compex the idea of creating a robot can be. Data had some form of ability to create and show emotion. While watching I immediatley began to side with him. I wanted gim to be able to remain a robot because he seemed so life like. It was as if he was going to be killed if they took him apart. I thought this show showed the complexity of the creation of robots.

Todd C. said...

After watching Star Trek I realized how hard it really would be to tell the difference between a human and a cyborg. Data was so life like and human that it would be hard to determine if he had the same rights as a human. Data was obviously a functioning being and was an asset to the crew. How can you not treat him with respect?

Fortner87 said...

After watching Star Trek i instantly became a fan of Data. i could tell he was not fully human but i began to see qualities that are very human like. he can reasonable think and speak his opinion on matters that dont pertain to him. he has feelings and has some emotional attachment to another human being. his body is made of metal and parts but besides that and having wetwear he is as much human as we are. he should have rights and they should be the same as ours. I think we are not as far off from creating robots similar to Data. maybe another 20-30 years. I t will be very interesting to see what the world does when this happens tho

ziggraut 73 said...

Data from star trek is really a unique machine. He displays personality, emotions, and a sense of purpose. Just because data hads these quality doesn’t make him human. He is not a living organism. The reason data looks so unique on star trek is because there is only one data on the ship. You kind of forget that he is a robot that is mass produce to serve humans. if they had multiple datas that look and talk the same u would see that he not unique and is just following the protocols that were program in his head. He is nothing more than lights and clock work. He shouldn’t have the same rights as human. His right our the same as a super computer that walks around.

ziggraut 73 said...

Data from star trek is really a unique machine. He displays personality, emotions, and a sense of purpose. Just because data hads these quality doesn’t make him human. He is not a living organism. The reason data looks so unique on star trek is because there is only one data on the ship. You kind of forget that he is a robot that is mass produce to serve humans. if they had multiple datas that look and talk the same u would see that he not unique and is just following the protocols that were program in his head. He is nothing more than lights and clock work. He shouldn’t have the same rights as human. His right our the same as a super computer that walks around.

ziggraut 73 said...

Data from star trek is really a unique machine. He displays personality, emotions, and a sense of purpose. Just because data hads these quality doesn’t make him human. He is not a living organism. The reason data looks so unique on star trek is because there is only one data on the ship. You kind of forget that he is a robot that is mass produce to serve humans. if they had multiple datas that look and talk the same u would see that he not unique and is just following the protocols that were program in his head. He is nothing more than lights and clock work. He shouldn’t have the same rights as human. His right our the same as a super computer that walks around.

ziggraut 73 said...

Data from star trek is really a unique machine. He displays personality, emotions, and a sense of purpose. Just because data hads these quality doesn’t make him human. He is not a living organism. The reason data looks so unique on star trek is because there is only one data on the ship. You kind of forget that he is a robot that is mass produce to serve humans. if they had multiple datas that look and talk the same u would see that he not unique and is just following the protocols that were program in his head. He is nothing more than lights and clock work. He shouldn’t have the same rights as human. His right our the same as a super computer that walks around.