Monday, February 25, 2013

On the Required Reading

Reading Pierro Scaruffi's thoughts on Artificial Intelligence there was one part that stood out to me. He said, "Furthermore, there's the meaning of action. The children who play soccer actually enjoy it. They scream, they are competitive, they cry if they lose, they can be mean, they can be violent. There is passion in what we do. Will an android that plays decent soccer in 3450 (that's a realistic date in my opinion) also have all of that?" For me this is the fundamental and powerful difference between robots and humans that make them unacceptable as replacements for humans in certain aspects of our lives. A robot can perform the function but there is no menaing behind what they do. Robots can perform the behaviors of emotions or someone who loves you but they do not actually feel those things or understand why they do them. Part of the human expereince is sharing emotions with other people, the reciprocity of that situation is important and with a robot you do not receive that.

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