Thursday, May 01, 2008

Final Exam Blog

In order to fully understand something and have great argument or simply just look at and understand both sides of the argument to give a go description on something. In this final blog it will dicusess the other view points that go in to thinking up a journal and maybe possibly change the way that I thought about something.

Blog on if Cyborgs are real?
The old argument

In class we talked about cyborgs but what are cyborgs? Are we cyborgs ourselves the term cyborg means a cybernetic organism that has both artificial and natural systems. This sound of part human and part machine, a machine is a thing built of different thing to works something like this can be a car, robot, and machines that make other things, they are made of mechanical parts to make them work but don’t humans them selves have mechanical parts to help them. For example, when people get a fake arm, but about pace makers that help people with heart problem to live on and not die so early even when people get new joints replaced such as knees and thing like that. I my self may be considered a cyborg because I have metal Anker’s in my shoulder to help it stay in place and also I weight life so I’m building up my body to make it better for better performance. Also what about people that wear the Bluetooth head sets that’s a device that’s mechanical so when that part of us does that make us Cyborgs in a way yes but is some this stuff that does this to us, helps our lives in every day life.

New entry

Now something to think about when trying to say that we are Cyborgs is do we truly have the mechanical parts on our body to make us half machine half human. And the answer to that is no some of the stuff that was said in this blog is sum what over the top when thing if we are Cyborgs. I really don’t consider my self a Cyborg because I weight lift which was one of the things that was brought up in that article that was posted. Also the article talks about that medicine is kind of technology that could consider us Cyborgs but medicines have been around for years dose that make the people of the past Cyborgs to I just have a hard time calling things that I take or do about every day making me a Cyborg I can understand when people have fake arms and legs and joints things like that, but that doesn’t make me think that im like the terminator or like the borgs from star track. The Cyborg is a scientific thing as of know and advancements in medical technology is just know advancement and nothing else.

Journal on Distance Learning?
Old entry
In class when we were talking distance learning It was a very interesting thing to think about, but how good would distance learning be? When trying to learn from a computer is a rather difficult thing to do. There are feelings in words that a computer can never understand the way in which you are trying to put it. The live face to face class room will never be taken over by the computer DreyFus says that the computer can not understand because the computer cant use the human body to reflect on. I believe that distance learning would also hurt kids with there social abilities for the real world in the class room you get that face to face interaction that is essential to life. But distance learning could be good for some situations for kids that live on farms that at are so far away that they would have to use it.

New entry

The thing with distance learning is that it is already happening whether we want to admit it or not kids at younger ages than I are learning from some of the new video that some website’s have to have kids learn and play at the same time I had these games as a kid I can only imagine what kind of games there are now. On top of that some of the bigger colleges and universities have online couses and I’m sure that these kinds of classes will grow. Yes the social aspect is something you can replace but now there is so many different ways of communicating through online play instant and things like that there is even the web cam for face to face things. But trying to say that distance learning will never work or replace the class room is something to re-think because it is already happening.

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