Friday, January 29, 2010

Why Do We Need This Technological Advance

As I write this I am sitting in my dining room listening to my brand new turntable filled with a Bob Segar album that is older than me by a good number of years. As I sit here I wonder why we had replaced this technology? It's perfectly functional and the sound is incredible! But yet i still have in the other room two MP3 players along with a mountain of CD's.
This brings me to the maing topic of this post. Why have we deemed it necessary to advance technology the way we have? Do we really need to have a phone that can also do a million other things? Honestly people just think about it, has that Iphone really improved your quality of living? Does your refridgerator have more food in it because of it? I would be safe in assuming that the answer to the questions above would all be "no."
The only thing man needs to survive is food, water, and shelter. I do realize that this technology makes life "easier" but its not necessary as some might think.
Technology is a vicious parasite that is invading every aspect of our lives. A perfect example of this would be how I have to post my homework on a blog instead of printing it and turning it in like would have occured only ten years ago.
Maybe I am too negative, maybe I am downright wrong, but it is my fundamental belief that if we do not do something about this parasite we may end up loosing ourselves into it. Who knows, maybe the Terminator movies predict the future.


Todd Jacobs said...
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Todd Jacobs said...

(2/4/09) I believe technological advancement is key to what we have become as a human race today. Sure, it is not a essential to survival like food, water, and shelter, but life with only these three essentials would be far from entertaining. I believe technology should not be viewed as a parasite, but rather a beneficial component that has aided us in our development while providing luxury and efficiency along the way. It may be that the turntable Justin speaks of works perfectly fine, however, the device that it replaced most likely worked fine also, and the people in the time of the turntable breakthrough most likely had the same thought as Justin does about CD's. It's all relative to the time period, and the trend is contiued through time.

Then what is the need for technological advancment? One answer is increase in efficiency. If you have a desire to listen to Bob Segar in the car on the way to school, will you lug the turntable into the car with you? The answer is no, you simply pop in a CD. Sure the increase in technological advancement is not essential to our survival. But would you settle for meatloaf if you could have steak? If it is possible to advance technology to improve the quality of life and increase efficiency, then why not have it.

Justin Ramsey said...

I agree with you in the fact that modern technology has made things much more convienant to us. But I just cannot grasp why we as a race are so driven towards this. I am quilty of it myself even though i dont like to admit it. It seems we work harder to make our lives easier, which is an oxymoron of sorts.

We have created a monster with this technology. Our reliance upon it has made us as a race weaker than we were already. For example, a majority of our militaries weapons systems are computer controlled. Did you know that an electromagnetic pulse bomb can destroy all computers?

Do you know how to hunt and/or grow food? My wager is that you have become to used to the convienance of a store to learn such techniques. Techniques that has allowed us as a people to prosper. Our reliance on technology and emphasis on effieciency has made us weak a weakness that someday someone will capitalize on.